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Religion is influenced by culture by adapting cultural traditions to religious beliefs. Another aspect where this mutuality holds is by formulating/ writing down religious scriptures
added by Anonymous 444 days ago 0    0

Religion has been trying to offer answers to these questions for aeons. But the fact that there are over 4200 religion in the world
added by Anonymous 665 days ago 0    0

I agree with you but this is a culture from another realm
The spiritual realm. Something you will not form on your own
Something that is always perfect even the life after death.

added by 1001061415 1281 days ago 0    0

With religion it's all about believing, and so is culture. So they are so much the same coz they all deal with faith and believing in mostly what's not seen
added by 1000913115 1309 days ago 0    0

cada religion depende del lugar donde vives como parte de la sociedad establecida que forma parte de las creencias generales del los que gobiernan
added by 1000837667 1309 days ago 1    0

It's part of culture as we can see that every country has it's culture and it's sometimes we can call it business.
added by Anonymous 1309 days ago 0    0

Yeah it's part of culture that men indoctrinate in people and goes from generation to generation and it has very strong spiritual bond .
But Salvation can't be achieved by being religious .
added by Anonymous 1309 days ago 1    0

Yes absolutely
added by 1001111314 1309 days ago 1    0

Religion is just part of culture

"Who are we? Where do we come from? And where are we going?" are among the oldest and the commonest questions among humans irrespective of race, tribe, religion or language.

Religion has been trying to offer answers to these questions for aeons. But the fact that there are over 4200 religion in the world, and that different cultures have different type of religion points that religion is indeed part of the culture just like food, dance, festivals and dress.

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From time memorial, culture has been the greatest enemy of God and true Christianity! Jesus had it rough with the so called 'Cultured Religious men" in the bible. People turned the would be best cultures into their own commandments in order to suit their human desires! Matt 15:9...teaching for doctrines commandments of men! Jesus is the True culture mentor to be followed!
added by Anonymous 1309 days ago 0    0

When it comes to Religion, most of us know it's not culture.
Religion doesn't cop with culture.
Culture was established to fight Religion, long ago.
All cultures is against the Creator, that's why, there are many gods in culture, whereas, there's ONLY ONE GOD in Religion.
added by 1000894481 1309 days ago 0    1

religion was created by God as a rule for humans to live life. Everything that was not there before and is now there must be someone who made it, the universe was created by God and all our actions will be held accountable.
added by Anonymous 1309 days ago 1    1