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Some of those jewelry are even certified, only to change from one wealthy family to another wealthy one. So it may be quite difficult for a lay person to buy it.
added by 1000864516 1146 days ago 5    0

The lady was frustrated by her diamond jewery and she wanted to resale yet i was very expensive and i the jeweler axcpts it it will take long for another customer to take it, thats why they used to keep on decrease the price until she gave up. But in life we should content with what we have and learn how to be patient in all situation.
added by Anonymous 1146 days ago 5    1

The frustration to sell diamonds.

Selling diamonds can also be an extraordinarily frustrating experience for private individuals.
In 1978, for example, a wealthy woman in New York City decided to sell back a diamond ring she had bought from Tiffany two years earlier for $100,000 and use the proceeds toward a necklace of matched pearls that she fancied. She had read about the "diamond boom" in news magazines and hoped that she might make a profit on the diamond. Instead, the sales executive explained, with what she said seemed to be a touch of embarrassment, that Tiffany had "a strict policy against repurchasing diamonds." He assured her, however, that the diamond was extremely valuable, and suggested another Fifth Avenue jewelry store. The woman went from one leading jeweler to another, attempting to sell her diamond. One store offered to swap it for another jewel, and two other jewelers offered to accept the diamond "on consignment" and pay her a percentage of what they sold it for, but none of the half-dozen jewelers she visited offered her cash for her $100,000 diamond. She finally gave up and kept the diamond.
Is there a solution to this longstanding problem which also lead to the stabilisation and increase to the value of diamonds?

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There's laws governing certain things even money has governing laws. Before getting one is involved in any business venture, he must know and understand the laws of that venture and precious items are not easily repurchased by the same people who sell them.
added by Anonymous 1007 days ago 0    0

I used to think that precious and expensive stone like DIAMOND are purchased and kept to be handed over from one generation to another as a mark of affluence. To buy and resell diamond within two years was rather hasty. May be that contributed to not getting a serious buyer.
added by 1000851268 1146 days ago 5    0