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Yes in that way I support you my brother cause my mother was sick and we went to the hospital and the doctor told us that she was missing some food value in her body that is why. I support you
added by Anonymous 1155 days ago 3    0

When we eat good food, drink pure, clean water and consume fruits and vegetables, we are sure to stay safe and healthy. We will hardly need to take medicines because we will remain healthy. Remember that what you eat eats you. It either makes you healthy or kills you. So, eat good food to stay healthy..

added by 1000851268 1155 days ago 6    0

Yes its true,
Because there some types of that contains calcium which is the best requirement in the bones, thou some people tend to take medicine because of not knowing what to do. That is the only problem.
added by Anonymous 1155 days ago 4    0


Not every disease requires drugs for healing Sometimes the kind of food and drink we consume give life and strength to our bones for fitness. Fruits and vegetables are better for healthy living. What do you think?

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