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We must be very care full with this virus because for it does not know your color race and the like. It is a virus not a human being please take not of that and stay safe. Stay in the safe zone.

added by 1001130082 1129 days ago 0    0

Infact it is true,
Because today is that one you descriminate and tomorrow might be you. Therefore we give them care and attention in an effective way other neglecting them.
added by Anonymous 1132 days ago 0    0

We should not discriminate against those who are sick with the Covid-19. We must try to help them to get back to their feet. However we must also remember to keep safe and not get infected also.
added by 1000851268 1134 days ago 1    0

Discriminating in the way of preventing others from getting infected is not bad
However it should not be awah of abandoning others in danger with no help to reach services.
added by Anonymous 1134 days ago 2    0


People who are sick with covid 19 has done nothing wrong, So let's not treat them differently. We are stronger together in the fight against coronavirus. VIRUSES DON'T DISCRIMINATE AND NEITHER SHOULD WE. Stop discriminating patients because one day it will be you or your daughter or husband Okitegedde????????

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