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For my entire life I have never seen or heard or even read about such a pandemic like this Corona and I will live to remember and testify this to my grand children. Its a pandemic to remember
added by 1001130082 1129 days ago 0    0

The covid 19 might so far have taken the shortest prriod of time in the world compared to HIV bur it has killed more people and others are still dying however the procedure of preventing it has help most people on how to live with it
added by 1000965722 1132 days ago 4    0

The truth is that corona has killed more people than hiv/aids because it doesnt last longer like HIV. It has taken many and in just one year.
added by Anonymous 1132 days ago 4    0

I think that all the social observations have helped in limiting the spread of covid-19. People should continue to do them to stay safe. But I don't think the pandemic has killed more people than HIV did. The problem is that the concentration of deaths caused by covid-19, seem to be more where it was not expected.

added by 1000851268 1132 days ago 4    0

covid-19 being the pandemic 2020

Has corona virus"covid-19" killed more people all over the world compared to HIV/AIDS???
are the possible solutions working for people???

washing hands
putting on the mask
keeping social distance

How do you vote?

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According to the warld healthy organization corona is note dengeraus than HIV because any one who need his or her life can control HIV than corona
added by Anonymous 1133 days ago 4    0