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The UN can now keep in the 21st Century by inviting the Eco system in to place ... Of the Current Economic system... Our all our energy is now mined from the sun light...

There will be an End air pollution.. this will reduce speed of fait currency on supply...
And On the matter of Ending wars.. Just know that wen the fait currency is replaced by the cryptocurrency... Which is more tracted than the fait currency... This will point out people who were responsible for financing the Wars..

Thus limiting there transaction and failure to boom there business... Of selling weapons..
added by 1000896184 1122 days ago 0    0

The boards on these peace makers or keepers should change strategies, how do you want to keep peace as an organization and then when violation happens you come in to support and repay what was destroyed this means governments will not stop violating peace becaise after all the the distruction is paid for. So stop aome supports and let them demonstrators pay for their actions
added by 1000965722 1135 days ago 3    0

how can the u.n keep peace in the wartone in the 21st century

hi everyone out there, i need a solution for this challenge. the UN has continuously kept the peace misions for a long time but all in vain. they have peace keeping missions in Somalia, Yemen and the central republic to mention but a few. do you think the international body should continue keeping peace in the wartone aras? what needs to be done to promote peace with these peace keeping missions? more peacetalks, more fighting or anything else?

How do you vote?

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It's because most people don't know what's has been taking place in the world affairs and how international organisations operates . First of all it's a hidden agenda and secondly those instabilities in various regions are designed by some UN permanent members and thus that continuous circle has to be maintained to forster their interests.
added by Anonymous 1010 days ago 0    0