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Bill gate l think he did tbst to meet his goals and objectives so inorder to show us happiness he comes in away of supporting the world, shaaaa
added by 1000965722 1310 days ago 0    0

Because he has a hand in it according to the rumours prevailing and he has become very rich to an extent that his money has no more use for him .
So he's looking for how to spend it .
added by Anonymous 1311 days ago 2    0

$ 650 million was invested by Bill Gates to fight Covid19

The other day I read that Bill Gates had invested in the fight against Covid 19. Do you think that he invested it in charity or did he achieve the goals that he imagined?I personally think that he invested that money to achieve his goals that he envisioned and not to help develop a pandemic.

How do you vote?

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Bill Gates literally "owns" the World Health Organisation (biggest funder now that the US is out; more than $350 million invested/year), and is definitely behind this plandemic. But don't believe a word I say. Do your own research!
added by Anonymous 1311 days ago 1    0

Was this information on bill gates expenses on covid 19 recorded or hyped? I want to know where this info came from /
added by 1000097201 1312 days ago 1    0