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then what laid it and if the hen came first, then where did it come from. But I say that the hen came first because when God spoke," let there be" it was
added by Anonymous 911 days ago 0    0

After the creation because God created birds then after egg were produced, but in this real life after creation egg first then.
added by Anonymous 1414 days ago 0    0

As I believe in the beginning God always used words and something would come into existence so I think that God told a hen to come by His words
added by 1001111125 1547 days ago 2    0

Take it from this point of view,Adam and Abel who came frst,its Adam
the bible did not say let there be eggs from which birds will come
added by Anonymous 1551 days ago 1    0

Hen came first coz in the beginning ( genesis) God created every creature of earth. So hen was created both male and female. They could replicate more of themselves by laying eggs.
added by 1000913115 1555 days ago 3    1

In the beginning, God used words, let there be and there it was. All creatures came into existence by His words ( including the hen). So, n egg came last.
added by 1001099555 1555 days ago 2    1

I vote pro cos the hen comes from the egg and the hen has its genetic materials from where it comes
added by Anonymous 1555 days ago 3    0

This is because an egg has to be hatched before it become a chick. The adult chick is the hen which produces a hen.
added by HASSAN LOKWII ANOCHE 1555 days ago 2    0

I can say that the hen came first.During creation , the hen was amongst the birds created.both male and female. It is that when they mate,that the egg is produced.

added by Anonymous 1555 days ago 2    0

I am saying PRO to the egg first.. it had to be some kind of genetic evolution that created the chicken inside the egg, therefore the egg came first with the chicken it in.
added by Anonymous 1555 days ago 1    0

Of the egg and the hen, which came first

There are other similar questions like of the seed and the tree, what came first because if the egg existed first, then what laid it and if the hen came first, then where did it come from. But I say that the hen came first because when God spoke," let there be" it was

How do you vote?

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It is not the egg, but the hen that came first. Eggs do not just appear unless the hen lays them. God had said "let it be", do it is
added by 1000114031 1552 days ago 1    1

Everything originated from creation. God made a hen and not an egg. So the hen comes first,cuz if it's not available what will bring forth the egg
added by 1001088065 1555 days ago 1    2