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Those being left behind are the one came hoping to plant a bean in morning and harvesting it in the evening. Anything of high value takes time and there's various signs that explains what can't be seen with Unicorn network and safezone.
added by Anonymous 1004 days ago 0    0

My friend we a stady .
We have to go forward with Unicorn net and we know it will never collapse because of its targets u
added by Anonymous 1123 days ago 1    0

In life if you fear to take a risk, then the risk will take you, the same here in safezone for us we decided to i vest and we live the rest to God but i believe we will overcome it successfully.
added by Anonymous 1123 days ago 2    0

Are you going the right way or are you going to be left somewhere

Since the unicorns started the journey, several people have already fallen off the team thinking it's a scam. Others are watching with ONE EYE OPEN thinking Safezone project might collapse any moment. But what's your stand. Are you moving steady? Or going backwards!!

How do you vote?

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