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It has to be fixed and only google can handle this case as it is main company or biggest company providing the email services
added by Anonymous 695 days ago 1    0

Authorities therefore no Spammer has been Jailed as Jailbird yet to my knowledge so can SPAM be fixed up with better
added by Anonymous 915 days ago 1    0

It has to be fixed and only google can handle this case as it is main company or biggest company providing the email services..this should surely be considered
added by 1001249430 929 days ago 1    0

Indeed spam gonna be eliminated due the advancement in technology safezone has invented
Spammers will not find where to pass
added by Anonymous 1234 days ago 1    0

I am of the opinion but at the same time I ask myself the question if among these spam emails there are no emails which are authentic. Thanks
added by 1001034164 1556 days ago 3    0

SPAM continues to flourish today despite anti spam laws but I'm sure as time goes on SPAM will be eradicated and it becomes history as technology is changing day by day
added by Anonymous 1564 days ago 2    0

Am very sure spam is going to be eliminated dilue to the rapid way our pernum is dominating, and if everyone gets pernum and use it effectively l believe
added by 1000965722 1564 days ago 2    0

I am confident with safe zone, this will be possible. According to SafeZone, you can preselect whom to receive from, and whom not to receive from.
added by Anonymous 1564 days ago 2    0

I think the only possibility at this day to eliminate spam is to use our pernum messenger, who will constitute a protection
added by 1000006686 1564 days ago 2    0

Obviously, with this changing world, spam must be eliminated because new technology and new ldeas are coming up day by day. More so the world is on competition and this will have to force the disappearance of Spam in the world
added by Anonymous 1564 days ago 2    0

Yes if we all go safe zone and understand it well spam well be elimination complitily and also no question about it
added by Anonymous 1564 days ago 2    0

It's possible.
In today's world of continuous growth in technology, everything can be done.
So, spam one day will be no more.
I believe in technological evolutions
added by Anonymous 1564 days ago 2    0

Yes spam can be eliminated because we are in Earth where technology is changing . everyday they look for better , easy and simplify everyday life.
added by Anonymous 1564 days ago 3    0

Through this advancement in technology I think it can be worked upon through the enforcement of ant spam laws
added by Anonymous 1564 days ago 1    0

With a safe zone technology spam will I hopefully think in years to email will be more safe.
added by 1000923395 1564 days ago 2    0

With new developing technologies like safezone spams will be history! This is obvious and are ready seeing it happen as i mentioned earlier that safezone is already doing this so am hopeful that in few years to come this will be reality!
added by 1000855416 1564 days ago 2    0

Yes with the increasing level of technologies and software inventions i believe one day SPAM will be completely eradicated from all email system.
added by 1000987402 1564 days ago 2    0

Will SPAM be ever eliminated eradicated from Email system?

SPAM seem to continue to flourish today despite Anti-Spam Laws around the World while ISP's don't seem to forward report Spammers to Authorities therefore no Spammer has been Jailed as Jailbird yet to my knowledge so can SPAM be fixed up with better verification or technology message delivery?

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No, that is not going to happen. A lot of anti-spam methods have been proposed for email, none of these have much effect.A lot of spam is already blocked, some still get through.
added by Anonymous 1564 days ago 2    0