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This is true. Due to bad conditions of infrastructure in Africa many people fall to unfortunate accidents and especially in the rainy season. Also cars are often changed from the manufacturers safety measurements to create more room for passengers on vans which are over limit. We must put a focus on building better roads and conditions in Africa.
added by 1001200867 1103 days ago 0    0

The causes of road accidents in Africa.

Road accidents have taken so many lives on the african continent. These accidents are csused by a number of factors which include the following.
Poor road conditions. Soo many roads in africa are in bad state making it difficult to use them safely most especially in the rainy season.
Over speeding which at times makes the driver lose control of the vehicle.
Driving after drinking has also caused so many accidents on the african comtinent .
Lastly are the out dated vehicles being dumped in Africa and also africans want to drive them for a long period of time.

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