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Oh my God,
Africa would have been the most beautiful, enjoyable continent because where theres God theres love and where theres love means togetheness, but Unfortunately its opposite.
added by Anonymous 1117 days ago 1    0

I think if all African leaders were God fearing our countries would be me developed because their would be fear to still the money given out to develop our countries but since they r not they do whatever they wat they no fear or shame. The bible says the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.
added by Anonymous 1117 days ago 1    0

I wish all African leaders are GOD fearing.

If all African leaders were GOD fearing and trustworthy Africa would have been the best continent for settlement. This is because Africa has the best climate, natural resources and fertile soils. But the leaders are Africa's problem. All they care about is embezzling government funds and overstaying in power. Instead of these leaders developing their regions ,they put their investments in foreign countries because they fear people to know what they have due to the fact that they get them through wrong ways.

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Is it possible to make survey on people in any particular country to know hoe many are God fearing and those not . Everyone will say they're God fearing individuals but what determines their answers is their behaviours .Most African people are religious but lacks relationships with their creator.
added by Anonymous 1011 days ago 0    0