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There's power in spoken words because life and death is under one's tongue and that's why it's better to be mindful when giving out your word even a silent person regrets nothing.
added by Anonymous 923 days ago 0    0

I do believe that mouth can destroy. Because even curses are made by mouth. Coz even the bible say speak and you will be heard. Ask and it will be given
added by Anonymous 1117 days ago 3    0

The mouth can destroy. Watch what you say.

Sometimes, people do think that somebody is blocking them from getting to the top but the truth is, their greatest enemy is their mouth. Many people go about disclosing their plans and inner thoughts to so-called friends not knowing their thoughts concerning what they planned to do. Some friends could be green snakes hiding under green grass to strike. Spoilers. Once such "friends" know you plans, they begin to work for your downfall. Be careful who you trust with your secrets.

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