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Wasting valuable time will always be regretted at a later time so it's important not to waste any time. We shall be successful if we don't waste time.
added by Anonymous 1107 days ago 2    0

Moving in the right direction of friends can be so important as you share the good virtues of good life. And eventually become successful.
added by Anonymous 1107 days ago 2    0

Actually where i am now i had already finished to plune my self from those who are not adding anything to my life, thing like life shod move on as slaves for others, thing only for daily food now i decided to remain with one who with to have a defference in our lives.
added by Anonymous 1108 days ago 4    0

Obviously because they are all positive with great minds that can change into a good life... Even faith matters
added by Anonymous 1108 days ago 2    0

Are you moving with the right circle of friends?

If your main circle of friends isn't discussing investments, businesses, self development and the drugery of working for another person, then it's time to do a rethink; find a new circle. You need to associate with people that will challenge you to rise up in life, people that will make you better. Don't waste your valuable time with people that are not adding to your growth. Your destiny is too important to be toyed with.

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