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Every human being is blessed with 24 hrs a day but what makes a difference amongst different people is the way everyone utilises those 24 hrs a day.
added by Anonymous 921 days ago 0    0

It is very true,
In life if we come to know how to use time effectively we would have been far better than where wea are, but the bad thing some us we baby seat our selves not knowing that time waits for no man.
added by Anonymous 1110 days ago 2    0

Yeah when we spend our time profitably we shall succeed in life and accomplish our goals compared to when we just waste it because you will keep regretting why but when it's too late.
Atleast when one is free try to think of something productive or find something to do so that you keep yourself busy and your saved from being idle.
added by Anonymous 1110 days ago 2    0

True!. They have always taught us that, "Time is money"!. So we have to utilize it accordingly and more so profitably. When we waste it, it will cost against with time. Thanks so much!.
added by 1001145163 1110 days ago 2    0

Some people do more than what others do and that can make you feel they have more time than them. It is funny
added by Anonymous 1110 days ago 2    0

It's true we all have 24 hours a day but at the end of it all some people look like they have more time than others it's because they have done more than others.
added by Anonymous 1110 days ago 2    0

Regretting is one of the habits people say is for the stupid. It's better if you find yourself defeated to find better training to work.
added by Anonymous 1110 days ago 2    0

Man has no ability of gaining back wasted time and it's after alot of time that most people realize many are Hoodwinked by funny things.
added by Anonymous 1110 days ago 2    0

Time wasted is never gained it was said by one wise man. He knew how profitable time was and was Forced to speak such a statement.
added by Anonymous 1110 days ago 2    0

It's so important to be mindful of how we spend our time because at the time of reckoning, we shall have to reap the full benefits of what we worked for.
added by Anonymous 1110 days ago 2    0

We all have equal time . pro or no...

If 24 hours make a day and seven days make a week. We all get this time equally without any one being favoured over others, but the way we use this time differs and the outbcomes are totally different. That's why you find others progressing and others regretting. So mind how you spend your time.

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