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It is very true,
Because if you start a busness it takes time to get profits in it and you have to be creative in that it doesnt collapse.

It takes alot of sacrifice to get some thing from it.
added by Anonymous 1112 days ago 2    0

I agree
Nothing comes easily. Effort is a must in all successful businesses
Miracles won't happen when you are sited and that's why there is no religion which encourages you to just sit and pray
All businesses are like wheelbarrows if you don't push it nothing is going to happen let's wakeup and start pushing no giving up good things comes from hard work

added by Anonymous 1113 days ago 2    0

Every business is like a wheelbarrow.

In today's world it is easy to wear the title: "business man or woman." Unfortunately, many people do not understand what business is all about or how to get about running it.
Every business is like a wheelbarrow. For it to work, you must push it, oil the wheels when necessary to make sure it functions well. Be interested in where you have invested money. Understand how it works and take part in it. Watch what is going on and have a say in decision making. Nonchalant attitude towards a business is the bane of many new businesses.
Continue to push. Don't give up.

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