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God is after one's heart but not one's behaviours, most so called religious leaders are not practicing what they're teaching and most of them serve two master's at ago .
added by Anonymous 919 days ago 0    0

They hide in places of worship but they are evil, i think they first go to baskets before going to God, why, Because the devil has strict rules and of which one has to follow, the devil has conditions but the Lord's Love is unconditional. One time those who practice witchcraft and again go to church will be dissappointed at some point, God works beyond human understanding
added by Anonymous 1097 days ago 0    0

Salvation is a personal journey if you happen to witness the hand of God you can't practice witchcraft
added by Anonymous 1104 days ago 1    0

Those are not worshippers of God in my thinking because the bible tells us to worship One God with all our hearts and souls. Worship no god but God the creator of the universe
added by Anonymous 1104 days ago 1    0

I have ever been a victim but I thank God that i found out the truth .when I went deep in religion,I realized that God must be worshiped alone and He has no helpers.

Those who goes to witchcraft at the same time holy worshiping places believes that God is not enough for them and they have a saying that "God help those who help themselves "so by going for witchcraft they think that God will answer their prayers faster and quickly.

God has a system of giving you whenever he wants so these people will think they got it from witchcraft not knowing that God is waiting for them one day one time to answer.
added by Anonymous 1104 days ago 1    0


Let's talk about these people who pretend to be worshipping God yet at the same time they go behind to practice witchcraft!!!!!***
They keep baskets of witchcraft in their homes, yet they go to houses of worship. But my question is; "do they face God first,before going to those baskets? Or they touch into the baskets first before going to face God.

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