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This is very true and its an abomination by the government to exploit the medical practionors because for Gods sake the country has a lot of resources where monies can be generated and Revenue collected is enough but corruption is too high that the sinners have never been to books or confiscating their Properties to cover the Lost Tax payers monies!!?
added by 1001201671 1098 days ago 1    0

In uganda politicians are priotised at the expense of other professionals. This has led many to escape from their proffesions to politics and others flee abroad.
added by Anonymous 1101 days ago 2    0

Health workers in uganda are given only $0.6 for lunch

Reports are stating that a health workers and other staff in public service are offered only 2000 ugandan shillings for meals. This is about only $0.6 which is even taxed*****. At the end of the day,one has nothing left for a descent meal yet the country still needs a healthy team of medicals to help our patients especially with corona

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