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Your everyday money. I mean my yem will become a problem solver to all countries..
And I hope soon there's a great news coming where by all yem holders will smile for ever.
added by 1000923395 1099 days ago 1    0

You're right. Many Yem holders are in a hurry to exchange their money for fiat currency. They forget that the future of Yem is going to be glorious. I think that those who waste their Yem are those who got it cheaply.
added by 1000851268 1101 days ago 3    0

Members don't waste you're yem the right time is coming.

Members you should take the yem you have as gold and keep it safe because more interesting things are coming in the future. We are waiting for the establishment of the smart city in uganda where yem will be the only trading currency. So if you waste yours now you won't enjoy the beauty of this city.

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