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Attitude and character is within a person's heart not age, Age is just a number, a good person will forever be at whatever age, the same apply to the cold hearted, Age may determine the thinking capacity and reasoning but cannot change the character.
added by Anonymous 1102 days ago 0    0

Absolutely true; as they say that age is just a number indeed it's just a number ,it has nothing to do with someone's personality.
A good person remains good at all age at all stages and in all conditions happy or sad.

Maybe the family background can determine but these days we block the chains .
I can do much better than my what my family did.
added by Anonymous 1106 days ago 2    0

Take note that being virtuous has nothing to do with age.

In some culture, it is assumed that the younger a wife is, the more easily she could be controlled. That is why you see middle-aged men getting married to young adults. But a good woman is a good woman, whether she's young or old, same with a good man..Age is a number and character is an attitude.

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