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God, the almighty should come first, he is the over all master planner and us men just plan and God fullfils so the first thing to considered in everything is Prayer, pray to God, believe, trust and everything will get done.
added by Anonymous 1102 days ago 2    0

God. I think everyone needs to put God first for a better living then others follows .
A person who knows God has no stress ,they are flexible in away that they accept whatever comes in their life.
They welcome every opportunity without fearing risking if it succeeds they thank God and it fails still they appreciate God .
A God fearing person is respectful ,loving , humble etc and those leads them better living.
added by Anonymous 1103 days ago 3    0

Even being social ,friendly , profit minded, having a helping hand and God fearing will also help you to live a happy life.
added by Anonymous 1103 days ago 2    0

What to always put first in life for a better living

Respecting others,hard working,self respect ,free to make risks ,a person who is free from taking risks has high chances of becoming rich and self respect is also one of the shortcuts to find success so that our lives come on follow these you will not remain the same.

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