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Training with a group motivates you and keeps you moving, in training alone you loose molale of keeping on. And sometimes you can fail to do something but when you see others doing it, u get molale
added by Anonymous 1105 days ago 2    0

In everything together we stand and apart we most cases whatever is done together is at ease , for example businesses,studies even eating food is more enjoyable when your eating together .
How ever, the same applies to exercises in groups. It's very fun not boring and hence yearning to go for more everyday .when you your friends working out everyday the more you get encouraged and hence kicking away the laziness out of you.
added by Anonymous 1107 days ago 5    0

Did you know with group exercise can get more benefits

Group exercise can turn working out into a fun social activity, which will motivate you to keep going back.When you decide to move towards your fitness goal, you will most likely prefer to exercise less, but achieve your goal in a short time. For example, someone may decide to jog for one month every month, but when they see no change, they are likely to give up. Most people forget that reaching fitness goals is a combination of exercise over a period of time.

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