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There's no perfect individual on planet earth and everyone is bound to make mistakes hence mistakes shouldn't be used to convict our fellow human beings because everyone is a victim of making mistakes.
added by Anonymous 921 days ago 0    0

Oh yeah, to error is to human but to forgive is to God. It doesn't matter what mistake you do but how is your reaction after that mistake. So everyone can make mistake but remember to seek for forgiveness, use words like "am sorry....."
added by AKIBUA MATHIAS 1098 days ago 1    0

Everyone makes mistakes in life but it doesn't mean they have to pay for them the rest of their life. Sometimes good people make bad choices .but it doesn't mean they are bad. To error is human bear with us sometime please
added by Anonymous 1099 days ago 2    0

Mistakes are part of learning and maturity. Mistakes are meant to correcte you to do the right thing, make the right choice and move to the right side. it should not condemn you. Everybody makes mistakes.
added by 1000851268 1099 days ago 2    0

Mistakes are to human and he who says he does no mistake he is a nothing its better to correct someone if he has made a mistake.
added by Anonymous 1100 days ago 3    0

Absolutely true; Mistakes are for humanity and so any mistake done is not news. Mistakes can be corrected and we all learn from our mistakes. Those who thinks that someone should always be perfect are the most mistakes doers because it's only God who never do mistakes .no body should be punished for a mistake done some times mistakes happens accidentally ie inevitable so don't judge the one did a mistake.
added by Anonymous 1100 days ago 4    0

Everyone makes mistakes in this life journey but it doesn't mean that they have to pay it for the rest of their life and what why Jesus Christ died for our sins..
So that we may live happily.
All what we need is to be happy and forgive
added by 1000923395 1100 days ago 4    0

Everyone makes mistake in life

Everyone makes mistakes in life but it doesn't mean they have to pay for them the rest of their life. Sometimes good people make bad choices .but it doesn't mean they are bad. To error is human bear with us sometime please

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