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In a relationship, one should put much emphasis on what makes them happy and satisfied not depending on the other partner because its very difficult to satisfy another person especially women.
added by Anonymous 924 days ago 0    0

Even if you buy a person a car, people should know that love is not brought. Love is something that only a heart can explain but not material things.
added by 1000861074 1102 days ago 2    0

I totally agree with this statement basically because human needs are insuciable and you cannot understand a person's needs, you may buy him or her a benz when she wanted a house or a wedding or may be unsatisfied depending on your status.
added by Anonymous 1102 days ago 1    0

Indeed ; when it comes to love you don't need to do a lot to prove how much you love someone .A person who loves you will understand you and love you the way you are without much words or actions and with the little effort you are doing . True love is in the heart and it has nothing to do with material things. Try to win your partner's trust .the moment she trust you everything is at ease.
added by Anonymous 1102 days ago 4    0

There's never anything good enough in a relationship

We all struggle our best of effort to make our partners happy and satisfied with the relationship but I tell you no one has ever done enough good.
Even when you buy them a mercedes the person runs of with a bicycle owner.
And when you offer little by little, testing their patience and honesty,they say you don't love them. Gooooooosssshhhh

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