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I wish the government acts positive atleast ounce. One month is very small to sacrifice for God's sake. There no much purpose for the kafew and if so they would have done it at midnight.
added by Anonymous 1104 days ago 1    0

Yes, the government will adjust on the hours of curfew during ramadthan. This will help the moslem community.
added by 1000861074 1104 days ago 5    0

Will the government review the curfew hours for ramadan?

In the current procedure we are observing curfew hours from 9pm in the evenings to 6am in the morning.but given the fact that moslems have to attend tareweeh prayers which is longer than the isha prayer,it means that curfew hours will find them still at the mosques. So members of the parliament were presenting a request to have curfew lifted or adjusted to favor the moslem brothers and sisters.
But will government react positively?

How do you vote?

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Not at all, its not the first since tje covid-19 lockdown. The government has remained so keen on curfew and Ramadan wont change anything. However, they may not be keen like before.
added by Anonymous 1104 days ago 1    0