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Indeed woman emancipation has done more harm than good .
Due to woman emancipation some woman misbehave and when a man complains they ask for divorce with aim of getting a share on the man's wealth and hence increased divorce.
Woman emancipation is the main cause of poor parenting in such away that woman chose work over homes,women spends more time at work and hence having less time for teaching their children .Children don't learn anything from their mothers eg ;praying due to her absence and they also don't get a chance to be taught good behavior needed in the society and hence high crime rate.

added by Anonymous 1101 days ago 1    0

Prediction on the effect of women emancipation

with the way emancipation has empowered women and made them less submissive, man will fall in love with an ape in the future to get the satisfaction achieved from being submitted to since it is a man's nature to have someone submitting to him.

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Emancipation was never understood by mist African people especially women because there's a difference between a wife and a woman, Emancipation is for women nit fir wife hence in a home there's no Emancipation, it's submission which is needed for peace to prevail in a home.
added by Anonymous 924 days ago 0    0