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I think it's not necessarily or not of use to correct our childhood mistakes in that when you realize your mistake and promise yourself not to do it again is the best move .Why do we think of reversing the past ! What's gone is gone it's now anew chapter. Remaind you mistakes are human before thinking about the mistake done in your childhood think of the mistakes you are doing in your manhood. We just have to pray for God's forgiveness and try as much as possible to be neat in our journey of life.
added by Anonymous 1103 days ago 2    0

I wish God gives a Chance to correct our childhood mistakes.

There are so many mistakes we did during our child hood but when we grew up we saw that they were mistakes one should not do. At times you remember some thing and you ask your self really is it me who did this. And once it's done you have no chance of changing it but in case you offended some one you only have to apologise, if you did something ridiculous you just let it go with time , you just have no chance to reverse and eliminate it.

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Growth is a process which involves different stages and every stage requires certain level of activities done by children are those stages shouldn't be skipped hence there's no need to regret what was done during childhood because it was part of the process for one's growth.
added by Anonymous 927 days ago 0    0