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True wisdom is really the one that does each and everything on this planet earth and as what you have said all yem holders have wisdom its true because you go there out side and explain to adegree holder and you tell him/her we going into digital money but aperson cannot understand so yem holders really we are near to God
added by 1001100493 1099 days ago 1    0

Indeed wisdom is main key to a successful person. With wisdom whatever you touches on prosper because it's a blessing not so common in common people. Let's pray for wisdom and whatever works with it will follow you. May God Give us all Wisdom. Ameen.
added by Anonymous 1100 days ago 1    0

Wisdom is enough for you yo prosper coz once you have ot, you all of it with the pliz have wisdom and knowledge.
added by Anonymous 1101 days ago 1    0

Wisdom is better than anything else.

When we pray we pray God to give us different things but we forget wisdom. I think if God gives us wisdom we can do so many things. Did you know that all yem holders have wisdom. This is something every one can't recognise it's only for those who prayed for wisdom.

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