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Excuses are the enemies of success though most people tend to Excuse themselves from what they don't know and where they don't want to pay a price to learn and end up losing the opportunities due to their Excuses.
added by Anonymous 926 days ago 0    0

Absolutely Wright ;for example I was told to join Rainbow currency a year ago I refused , yem was cheaper than today ,I joined few months ago and I was like I will I join at first!! I would have been with enough Yem.

Another example is on some girls who used to do abortion at early age giving excuse of not being ready but now they can't conceive at all.this shows that their excuse turned into a failure and hence regretting. We should use any opportunity that comes our way .Try and fail you will not regret even when it fails you will be satisfied with your self that atleast you tried.

added by Anonymous 1099 days ago 2    0

The excuses you give today might be tomorrow's failure.

So many opportunities come but people ignore them giving excuses that they don't have money, others say that they don't trust such opportunities and. others say that they are studying the situation and some say that they dont have time. But when they run out of time they start regretting and start disturbing those who took action in time.

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