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Talent is given naturally but skills has to be perfected by hours of practicing the craft hence even though a person has a gift but that gift needs some refinements.
added by Anonymous 919 days ago 0    0

Indeed ; Stars are not born stars but are born talented. We have seen very many talented people but becoming a star is not such an easy matter. Becoming a star requires sacrifices and sweats. In whatever God talented you with you can be a star let it be business you can make it oneday let's keep persevering when you look forward and believe in your self everything is possible.
added by Anonymous 1093 days ago 2    0

True talent is a God given gift and it is very difficult to undertand if you dont work hard and sacrificing yourself
added by Anonymous 1093 days ago 3    0

I agree with this, everyone has a hidden or known talent, however, developing it is another chapter to become a star, stardom needs sacrifice, hard work , setting goals and working to achieve them and so much more.
added by Anonymous 1093 days ago 3    0

Stars are not born stars but are born talented.

Talents are God given gifts but becoming a star is a product of hard work. Every one is born with a special talent but it takes much to prove the right talent you have. If you discover your true talent it takes so many things to develope your talent to become a star. And when you make it you also have to do a number of things to maintain it so that you don't collapse.

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