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Yem was designed to purchase for good and services and it's tied to a strong economy within the open network other than other altar coins which are just digital assets and they can't be used to buy anything and due to the regulations and monitoring by the YEM Foundation, makes YEM trustworthy world wide and thus easily be used as a reserve currency for most countries.
added by Anonymous 1013 days ago 1    0

Indeed; this shows that Yem is going to take over all the currencies and it's our prayer we the Yem holders may God answer it .
More importantly to note, is to to load up our accounts with Yem because anything can happen from now.Yem is getting more purposes everynow and then.
Those with Yem try to keep it .what we have is greater than Gold.
added by Anonymous 1094 days ago 3    0

Yem has all the legal requirements to act as a reserve currency globally

This is because yem is back up by the precious metals such as gold silver platinum unlike other alter coins such as bit coins which are anornmouse,have no legal support,they are volatile they don't have currency foundation like the yem foundation

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