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The bad Africans we the intensions in our minds that we are supposed to be slaves because we went to schools after to look for jobs and that slavery.

And another thing we dont take time to research even if you here about something you live it there because hidden treasures are hidden in records.

Even the techinology you not get any ideas unless you take time to read more about it and then gain courage to invest in it.
added by Anonymous 1097 days ago 2    0

If we fight for financial freedom Africa will be on top.

Africa is suffering due to the poor financial status we have. People are resorting to slavery, endless debts and neocolonialism just because of financial instability.
When i heard the concept of crypto currency i thought that Africans will be financially liberated but people reject technology. But those who joined the trend have financial Independence.

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The main problem for our suffering as Africans is ignorance. The opportunity comes some acts like his too busy to understand what's going on. We should be eager to learn

Most africans also believe that God made them to be servants of the white .they don't believe in them selves . They focus on daily food. Working to eat . No much hope for the future. Please you who understood wake others up before it's too late so that we can build up our beloved Africa.
added by Anonymous 1097 days ago 1    0