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There is no way government can get revenue without over taxation.

It's becoming a burden to ugandans because they are over taxed . i think the government should establish some projects wich generate revenue and also provide employment to the population. This will help to the development of the country where the citizens will be happy as well as the government as it used to be years back, because governments had industries so that they did not rely on taxes only.

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Uganda is naturally blessed with natural resources and some additional services exported in other other countries such as electricity. The question is does the country benefits from them or it's being embezzled by the dictator and his family and thus resorting to over taxing Ugandans. There's no need to over tax Ugandans if the country's resources were being utilised for the benefit if Ugandans.
added by Anonymous 1010 days ago 0    0

They are so many ways where a government can get tax without over taxed but the bad thing corruption is in all corner where by everyone pulls while hiding in his pocket, and they forge the accountability.
IF we get serious corruption fighters the country will get peace on tax.
added by Anonymous 1087 days ago 1    0

Over taxation is not the only way to rise revenue of the country. This is done because the government of Uganda is less concerned about it's citizens. The H.E himself said that his not our worker that his working for his family and this the main cause of over taxiatons. If the government was concerned ot would have built industries and create more jobs for the local people .The taxes could be imposed directly on those industries but not the way it's done today that even a baby pays tax indirectly. What the government is doing to the people is milking without feeding.
added by Anonymous 1088 days ago 3    0