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True because actions speaks louder than words and a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step hence nothing happens when actions are not being taken in any undertaking in life.
added by Anonymous 930 days ago 0    0

Absolutely wright : talking won't change anything but rather to keep you in the same position. Half done is already done let's get started. Actions speaks louder than word set the actions talk and the achievements will always make noise to those whom you want to inform or prove that you moved a step forward.
May God bless the work of our hands.
added by Anonymous 1086 days ago 1    0

Your right because time doesn't wait and whenever you delay those who take action in time take your opportunities.
added by Anonymous 1086 days ago 1    0

The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.

Is there something you've always wanted to do, you have talked and talked about it. Three months ago, you said you would start the following month, Last month you said you would start this month. You have talked about this for a long time. Quit talking, begin doing it. Don't procrastinate any longer. Begin to execute the beautiful plans you have.

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