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True because you can't reap what you didn't sow and if one needs people to be on his side amidst the challenges we encounter in life, one should have been of value towards other people.
added by Anonymous 922 days ago 0    0

that is why all religions emphasizes giving charity i do not think that there is any religion, culture or even a group of people say a peer group that dis courage it.
added by Anonymous 1078 days ago 2    0

The people you help today become your soldiers in the battle of life tomorrow

Yes, the people you help today may become your soldiers in the battle of life tomorrow. Any help you render to people is not a waste. You may reap from the kindness tomorrow. You may be in a difficult situation and you need help Those people you helped, when they find you in such difficult situation, would reciprocate thereby acting as soldiers for you in such battle of yours.

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