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Life was given to us to be enjoyed and one's happiness shouldn't be attached to anything tangible or acquisition of a certain amount but to find happy moment at any given time.
added by Anonymous 923 days ago 0    0

Its not good to take it too important but there some things you should not put into your mind as burden reaching an extent of stressing your self, some time need to relax.
added by Anonymous 1077 days ago 1    0

Life is too important to be taken so seriously.

If you take life so seriously you may never get out of it. Life is too important. Don't be too tough on yourself. Relax, be happy, cherish life.

Don't say "I will only be happy when I get married." Or "I will be happy when all my children have graduated from college", or " I will take care of myself only when I have made all the money." No! Be happy with yourself. Don't take life so seriously.

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