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If you want lose your dream, try to please everyone, in anything worthy of doing, it will meet with a lot of resistance but only a determined person will be able to make it amidst all odds in life.
added by Anonymous 931 days ago 0    0

Actually in life its better to have a belief that one day i will achieve this, and keeping your self matching will help you know the weakness and look for solutions, then raising your voice will help those with weakness to improve for the well being of the society.
added by Anonymous 1085 days ago 1    0

Keep believing, keep marching, keep building, keep raising your voice.

Anything you are doing which is right, please keep doing it no matter the attitude of people or people’s reaction towards that. If you wish to see a better society, keep believing that society will be better. As you are believing also keep marching in doing good. You should also keep raising your voice in things that are not going on well in your environment or society. It will be better someday.

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