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The problems that was created by our levels of understanding , can't be solved by the same understanding which implies that a changed person is required to address the new problems.
added by Anonymous 928 days ago 0    0

Automatically thats why we have to utilise our energy well because each day counts our body get weak and we dont want to live life full of troubles we have to make bigger defferences in each step we reach.
added by Anonymous 1082 days ago 1    0

Every next level of your life will demand a different you.

When you were in the Primary School you behaved as a pupil in the Primary School. When you have left Primary School for Secondary School, it is expected you behave as one who has left the Primary School. Your reasoning should change, the way you do things should be different. And when you have left Secondary school for a Tertiary Institution, a different you will be demanded. At this stage in life you are a full adult and it will be expected of you to take responsibility for your actions.

Every next level of your life will always demand a different you.

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