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Not only some journeys but all journeys because the road is yours alone ,others may walk it with you but no one will ever walk it for you. Everyone was born alone and even in the grave yard Everyone will be left there alone hence there's no one you're supposed to make happy while failing to choose what's right for you.
added by Anonymous 931 days ago 0    0

It is very true because everyone has his dream to pursue which is not the same at the other, and some people are jelousy in that you expose your ambitions they will destroy you journey.
added by Anonymous 1084 days ago 2    0

Some journey in life you have to take it alone. .. ..

Some journey and decisions in life you have to take it alone no family,no partner,no friends. Because they will not support and understand you at the beginning. Sometimes you need to keep silent because no words can explain the battles in you. Me I just keep silent And leave it to the lord in prayer

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