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Si ya que serian configurados para adaptarse a una velocidad muchoas rapida que un ser humano y es probable que no sea necesidad de necesitar personal humano en un futuro no muy lejano
added by Anonymous 919 days ago 0    0

It's true. According to the world population and high demand for goods robots have to do the work and with the computers accuracy and speed need to be worked on and human labour can't ccount. And on top of it human labour is kinda expensive. So computers and robots are going to replace human labour
added by Anonymous 989 days ago 0    0

Buenas opinó que en realidad se a cambiado mucho en el mundo de la tecnología y se avanzado mucho pues ya ahí máquinas robóticas que reemplazan a los humanos y vendrán mucha más tecnología
added by 1001213255 1035 days ago 2    0

Of course that the plain truth because the world needs a high rate of production and this can efficiently be achieved by use of robots and not human labour so there is unemployment problem were about to come in contact with in the near future.
added by Anonymous 1042 days ago 3    0

Indeed now am seeing their is no use of going to schools we only have to train our children on how to use computer so that they can also earn something
added by Anonymous 1067 days ago 4    0

Artificial intelligence is taking over so many people are losing jobs. So its today we have to get prepared for the future because things are going to be tough in the future.
added by Anonymous 1067 days ago 5    0

According to how technology is being developed it is believed that robots are going to replace human labour as they are already being used in some developed countries like America where they are being used in war.
added by 1001173247 1067 days ago 5    0

Computers and robots are going to replace human labour.

It's believed that in few years to come human labour will be replaced by computers and robots and this will help to increase productivity with reduced labour force. This will be followed digital world technology where all money transactions will be done through phone or computer.

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Pues lo que yo creo es que la tecnología no está buena después de todo ya que en muchos países ya reemplazaron al hombre por máquinas para desarrollar el trabajo que antes asían los humanos
added by 1001215294 1011 days ago 0    0

Not that much coz still man is needed, no matter how technology grow fast, still we need man, there are some stuffs that are beyond machines, that really needs man
added by 1001118747 1036 days ago 0    0