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Aide des occidentaux en Afrique aggrave la pauvreté des africains, car en réalité les occidentaux n'aident pas les africains, ils ne font que endetter les africains.
added by Anonymous 919 days ago 1    0

I advise every one to preach the yem gospel as a way of securing a better future.make sure you save to invest not save to spend
added by 1001049030 1056 days ago 1    0

Is too much foreign aid worsening african poverty?

Some good African heads of state are making the case clear that trade,not aid is a better hope for lifting millions out of poverty and deprivation. I agree to this because most aid money goes down the drain of corruption.

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The only problem affecting African countries is leadership and once Africa solves that problem, poverty in Africa will start to disappear. Though foreign aid also keeps Africans under absolute poverty in hope of being helped by developed countries yet Africa is the richest continent on planet earth. Focusing on increasing trade other than relaying their economies on foreign aid does a little to eradicate poverty when there's no leadership because nothing will change.
added by Anonymous 1015 days ago 0    0