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Si que el dinero trabaje por nosotros que yo no sea el que trabaje por el sino que nos a palan que mos de el dinero para hacer más dinero
added by 1001211845 1011 days ago 1    0

It's being financially independent, once you're in the game of money making with the ambition of being financially independent, one should be focused on investments other than seeking for high paying jobs because there are very few wealthy people who attained their fortune on a job .a job is a short term solution for a long term problem.
added by Anonymous 1015 days ago 1    0

Actually in life we should always plan first I that money work for us,not us work for it, therefore let's invest our time in the investment that can bring money for us.
added by Anonymous 1033 days ago 1    0

What is financial democracy? let money work for you not you working for money

So many people have very good jobs that pay them alot ot many but although they do but they still work for money.
Working for money is not financial democracy to me.
But money working for me is what I call financial democracy.

How do you vote?

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