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On ne doit jamais sous estimé la graine parce qu'elle est petite. Une graine peut devenir 10 tonnes de poids.
added by Anonymous 913 days ago 1    0

God created everything and hide it in seeds and in every seed and gave each seed the ability to multiply it's. The beginning and the end of everything is inthe seed and that's why we need to plant our seeds whether financial, relationship and so forth in order to be able to multiply ourselves. Take the example of a mango seed and in each seed , there's a tree with mangoes which implies that in each seed , there's a forest of trees with mangoes.
added by Anonymous 1009 days ago 2    0

Exactly because you never know that tomorrow it grows into a useful fruit to the world so every seed is useful untill u get to know that is destroyed
added by Anonymous 1045 days ago 1    0

Don't underestimate the seed .....

A seed is always very small, but when you plant it ,it multiplies.
Look at a mustard seed in abible it was very small but it resulted in a big tree for people to eat, animals to get shelter and a shadow. Therefore plant your seed today.

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