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I saw an anonymous meme on Facebook last week that said, “You were assigned this mountain to show others it can be moved.”

So powerful. Everyone has a mountain and we all have the ability to move them. But sometimes standing at the bottom and staring up at a peak we can’t even see is beyond daunting.The best thing to do is start climbing. But what’s stopping us?
added by JANAT NAMIIRO 1069 days ago 2    0

You have been assigned this mountain to show others it can be moved

When you talk to people about YEM, they may talk you down, and say some negative things about YEM. You are not to be discouraged. You are not to be discouraged. Prove to those people that YEM is real and is working. Persist in your YEM business. Rather than quit, you should prove to anybody who has a bad idea about YEM that YEM is real, and it’s working.

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