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Whenever someone is grateful over s little things given to the person more things will be given to the person concerned too.
added by 1001277811 113 days ago 1    0

There are a lot of people out there who have already got all that they have ever craved of, and are yet not happy. Happiness doesn’t come with gaining all the things that you have ever wanted in your life. You can own a Mercedes and a big house in the heart of the town, but still not happy from your heart.

This happens because you haven’t gained that feeling of contentment within you.
added by JANAT NAMIIRO 1049 days ago 3    0

Happiness is not having what you want. It is appreciating what you have.

Appreciate whatever you have, no matter how small. Happiness is not necessarily acquiring more and more things. But in what you have appreciate them, enjoy them, thank God for them. Granted that when we take care of a particular need, another comes up, but then don't wait until you have acquired more and more things before you will be happy. Appreciate even the things you already have. That is happiness.

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