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We're the average of our 5 immediate friends and that's why it's cautious to choose friends wisely because friends tends to influence one's success in life.
added by Anonymous 948 days ago 0    0

How you live, how you act and how you perceive the things around you are things mostly affected by the type of friends that you mostly hang around with so for good life determination be wise in opting friends because they will have an effect to your life .
added by Anonymous 1034 days ago 0    0

Choose your friends wisely. A man is known by the company he keeps.

There is a saying " A man is known by the company he keeps." Having the right kind of friends is very important in our and our children's lives. Friends can really impact our lives. Someone told me that you will be a lot like the 5 closest friends you have. Friends have a lot of influence on our personal development, our behavior, and activities. This important also to realize for our children. It is important to know who their friends are and their influence. Good friends are a blessing, whereas the wrong kiind can impact their lives negatively. So they need to learn to choose their friends wisely too.

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