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Yes, many times when things happen, we do not always understand why. However as time goes by and we let the Lord heal our pain and hurt, we realize that we come out stronger than before. Also, our experience can help us comfort others and be a blessing to them. "who (God) comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. 2 Corinthians 1:4
added by Anonymous 1043 days ago 1    0

Amo al señor Jesucristo para siempre ya que al el le debemos la vida, es lo que debemos hacer todos los días en nuestra vida para alcanzar la gloria dios,
added by Anonymous 1044 days ago 2    0

We know that in everything God works for Good

We know that in everything
God works for good with
Those who love him,
Who are called
According to
His purpose
(Rom 8:28).

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