Yes ofcourse, every country is still try to found and discover the vacine for fixing the covid 19 from another sectors, focus in sector economy, sciences, doctor's, healthy etc
IS too difficult to identity the virus that easy mutation, but all of the country still optimistic that the vacine can be founded
How do you vote?
A covid as a covid exists but it is no pandemic!!I personally don
added by 1000008509 1559 days ago
I don't agree with you.
Covid 19 will disappear without vaccin needed. It will disappear naturaly in 2021.
added by 1000006686 1560 days ago
I disagree with you ma/sir, because all lives lays in God and God alone and I tell you before 2021will and you will not be hearing anything ex like that I ashore you that by God's grace thank's
added by 1000835420 1560 days ago
it will disappear soon in 2201 so don't worry be happy.
who may approve the vaccine in 2021. so don't worry be happy.
added by 1000008608 1560 days ago
The end of the pandemic does not mean that COVID-19 will go away entirely, however. Most scientists have come to believe that the idea of a “COVID zero” future is unrealistic. Only one infectious disease among humans, smallpox, has ever been fully eradicated, and that didn’t happen until nearly 200 years after the first smallpox vaccine .
added by Anonymous 691 days ago 1 0
IS too difficult to identity the virus that easy mutation, but all of the country still optimistic that the vacine can be founded
added by Anonymous 911 days ago 1 0
IS too difficult to identity the virus that easy mutation, but all of the country still optimistic that the vacine can be founded
added by Anonymous 913 days ago 1 0
Yes covid-19 will not disappear in 2021 because there's some country they don't want to prevent corona virus , that is why it Will not disappear.if we can work together to avoid covid-19 it can disappear in 2021 but we're still having different heard.
added by KABERA JAMES 1559 days ago 2 0
Yes Surely every coun9is trying to discover the vaccine meanwhile its we who should keep our selves from being effected through wearing masks and washing hands
added by 1000923395 1559 days ago 3 0
Seemingly true, people are already adopting ways on which they will live together with the virus through trying level best to avoid it.
Until a clear vaccine is got, covid 19 is here to stay
added by Anonymous 1559 days ago 2 0
Yes ofcourse, every country is still try to found and discover the vacine for fixing the covid 19 from another sectors, focus in sector economy, sciences, doctor's, healthy etc IS too difficult to identity the virus that easy mutation, but all of the country still optimistic that the vacine can be founded
added by Anonymous 1560 days ago 2 0
According to the way I see things covid will not go so soon that's means we have to live a normal life but precautions will be taken
added by Anonymous 1560 days ago 2 0
True, but however Covid-19 is in the way how people see and do things...
Covid-19 is here to stay, we are going to live with this pandemic like how we are doing with HIV/AIDS
added by Oward Ahumuza 1560 days ago 1 0
Even the vaccine is available it will remain behind just as flue or cough, T.B ,. so care should be taken by every country, for a long time.
added by Anonymous 1560 days ago 1 0
Personally I believe, Covid is here to stay just like AIDS. So, people should just learn how to live with it!!!!
added by Anonymous 1560 days ago 1 0
I am a little pessimistic that this Covid19 virus will disappear in 2021 if everyone and the government in every country does not follow strict health protocols, the effects of vaccines will not immediately overcome them.
added by 1000077818 1560 days ago 1 0
Yes because the virus is very dangerous and the world is still in straggle and no good results so far, so I think we should give some more two years
added by Anonymous 1560 days ago 1 0
yeah ofcourse we shall still living with covid 19 until the vaccine is found but good enough all the countries and health workers plus laboratories all over the world are working hand in hand to discover the right vaccine
added by Anonymous 1560 days ago 1 0
Covid-19 is to be there and still even though it disappear , it's side effects will take longer time to go.
added by Anonymous 1560 days ago 1 0
Personally I believe that COVID is nolonger a big threat,people are now getting used to it,they are now learning to live with it,so by 2021,it will be history
added by 1001097933 1560 days ago 1 0
Obviously true because it's spread won't be half now.may be of God decide to make things back to normal through his power.there for vaccine needs to be introduced as soon as possible.k
added by 1000923395 1560 days ago 1 0
Obviously true because its spread won't be halt may If God decided to make things to normal.there for vaccine needs to be introduced as soon as possible.
added by Anonymous 1560 days ago 1 0
Covid 19 is just like any other flu cough we have lived with for many centuries, what the world only needs is to observe the recommended SOP,s generated by WHO and the respective governments and open up the world for business once again as vaccine trials are being conducted in various economies of the world.
added by 1000987402 1560 days ago 1 0
Automatically true coz this virus with out the vaccine ,it's spread won't be halt therefore vaccine needs to be introduced to curb the spread hence eliminating it.
added by Anonymous 1560 days ago 1 0
I have voted pro, however pessimism in real life derails our determination to change the course of things
added by Anonymous 1560 days ago 1 0
Seriously unless the vacine is found corona virus will stay in the world only that what people have to do is to stay careful and prevent themselves till tje vacine is found
added by 1000965722 1560 days ago 1 0