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True especially with beers because once you drink one, it demands for the second one continuously and that's how the devil preaches its evil gospel.
added by Anonymous 948 days ago 0    0

Many who start with one drink and then find soon cannot control them selves because the drinks have addictive chemicals which makes the drinker to keep on drinking even if they are in capable of taking more so it is very best to say no rather try to drink one drink.
added by Anonymous 1034 days ago 0    0

Many who start with just one drink find they soon cannot control themselves.

Many who start with
Just one drink find
They soon cannot
Control themselves.
Drink becomes a
Master over them.
But for those who
Say "No" every time,
The evil spirit of
Drink cannot touch
Them. Which do
You think is better?

How do you vote?

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