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they should not end in the dust bin because they can be used as ingredients for tea, they can be planted again and secure avocados in the future
added by Anonymous 975 days ago 0    0

It's a waste to throw away avocado seeds. They can be replanted again. It takes a while but is definitely worth the wait.
added by Anonymous 1048 days ago 2    0

Avocado seeds should not end in dust bin because they have alot of medicine to cure diseases and also can be planted again to get another avocado tree
added by Anonymous 1048 days ago 2    0

Avocado seeds should not end in dustbins

Most people after eating the fresh part of the avocado, they just throw away the fruit's seed when unknowingly don't know that the secret behind this seed, first of all it Cleanses the body and detoxifies the body and strengthens the body immunity.

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